At Thornley Primary School we place supporting all children Emotional and Social development as a high priority. This includes helping children to:
- Form and sustain positive relationships.
- Experience, manage and express emotions.
- Explore and engage with the world around them.
To achieve this we:
- Provide engaging play opportunities during unstructured times of the day. These are positively supported by the school’s teaching assistants.
- Provide Early Play experiences which are inspiring and well supported by adults
- Provide opportunities to talk to and with adults and peers
- Provide opportunities for pupil voice through School Council, Eco Group for example
- Help children to understand the consequences of their beaviour through class charters and school values which underpin our PSHE curriculum
- Deliver weekly PSHE lessons which are progressively planned within the curriculum
- Act as positive role models to our children and encourage parents to do the same
- Have close links with a Parent Support Advisor who supports parents to develop positive experiences for their children
- Use restorative approaches which are consistently applied across school.
Children sometimes require more focused support, and we use the advice of outside professionals to shape this. This includes programs such as the Zones of Regulation and Relax Kids. These enable children to work alongside peers as positive role models and provides strategies to help pupils positively manage their feelings.